Monday, September 01, 2008

Summer in the Uintahs

Beautiful Red Castle Lake.

Finally reaching the long awaited campspot.
We were still about 1/4 mile from destination. My hiking buddy was carring quite the load.
An absolute blast catching these football size cutthroats.

18 in Cutt. I was holding this one a little tight and it looks all warped.

18 inch male Cutthroat posing with my flybox from WRF.

16 in cutt basking in the afternoon sun.

Some of these big boys took a while to revive.
All made it though. This one was 18 inch.

Nothing like a picture with your rig and prize.
Near 11k feet and what a beautiful view.

17inch Cutthroat. She was a beaut.

Beautiful spots on this Cutt.

Taking a quick break to enjoy the view. Near 11k feet.

Male cutt.

18 in Cutt in a holding while I set up to take a picture.
These guys were definetly worth the long hike.